What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
So many wonderings that the students had! This kit promoted team work, curiosity, questioning and hypothesizing and encouraged them to think deeper about how the world works around them, especially electricity!!
What opportunities arose for cross curricular learning while teaching this kit?
So many ways to integrate this kit! Next time I use this kit I would love to get the students to do a research project on something that interests them that has a circuit! Would also love to go down the solar route a bit more!
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
How successful was this kit in allowing the exploration of energy transformation in your learners?
How did the components of this kit allow your students to explore the topic of energy transformation?
The components of this kit got the children curious about how electricity works. They wondered about the different types of electricity (battery, solar, lightning) and how it was generated. One student even researched how lightbulbs work!! So much potenti