What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We are growing beans in Term 4 and will be able to talk about photosynthesis and the energy flow through food chains. We have been focusing on conservation too, so will be talking about how we can conserve energy.
What opportunities arose for cross curricular learning while teaching this kit?
We were using the kit when we celebrated Matariki in class. We had a school Hangi and were able to follow the energy transformations from the sun, to wood, to the fire, to heating the rocks and cooking our food. We then talked about how the food gave us e
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
How successful was this kit in allowing the exploration of energy transformation in your learners?
How did the components of this kit allow your students to explore the topic of energy transformation?
We did the LED activity which got us thinking about stored energy in the battery and how that transformed to light energy. We were then able to think about other things that use batteries and what kind of energy it transforms to. With the popcorn activity