How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning?
Lots of opportunity for writing, maths measurement, taking care of a plant and inquiry learning about vegetables around the world.
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
Replanting in our classroom garden. Continuing to look after the plants. Unfortunately with Covid-19 we didn't extend this as much as we would have liked to. With the timing plants had to be taken home over the holidays and many didn't survive to come bac
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating?
As a class we learnt a lot about many different vegetable around the world and how they are cooked and eaten. This was an eye opener for them.
The children were open to trying vegetables that they hadn't eaten before.
Lots of inquiry into good and bad