How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning?
We crossed this kit with loads of subjects like spelling, reading, writing, visual art, health and physical education. It gave us an opportunity to relate shared and guided reading books to the subject, further enforcing the kits values and awareness of n
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
After learning about vegetables, our next goal for Term 4 is to focus a bit on fruit and being able to promote healthy eating through that as well. It has opened our minds to the benefits of the environment and taking the classroom outdoors more often.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating?
Some children were unaware of what types of vegetables there were out there and are very excited to try them. Also, the way you've named the founders (vegetables e.g Wiremu Watercress) helped them to become more aware of the names of vegetables and what t