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Little Garden League 20 Reviews

4.8 Rating 2,265 Reviews
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? Students learnt about the characteristics of a living thing (MRS GREN) as part of their science unit and I used this as a task for their little garden league member tests. They also enjoyed writing their application letters to headquarters.
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We can build on this knowledge and learning by cooking using vegetables and learning more about what plants require to survive.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? Some of the students talked about veges that they had tried at home and discussed planting gardens however, I am not sure if there were any significant changes to their diet.
This was a great kit the children really enjoyed the story about the little garden league and took on responsibility for caring for their plants.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? Science, Health and PE, Art, Literacy.
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? N/A
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? Students have been more open to trying new fruits and vegetables. As well as more aware of what is/isn't healthy.
Had to adapt a few of the activities for the ability levels of my students. I can see that the kit is very well thought out and very engaging. The students loved it.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? I was linking it to fairytales, as that is what were learning about in writing, so we talked about Jack and the Beanstalk etc. Obviously health and nutrition and guardianship of the land - being a kaitiaki. We also learnt about the seasons etc. This linke
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We are moving into Keeping Ourselves Safe next term, and will probably keep aspects of this school kits running along that.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? I think the message was an important one. I really liked that it encouraged children to try new things, and we had lots of discussions in class about how not every thing had to be our favourite, but that it was really important to try.
The kit has been incredible. The supporting resources have also made it so easy to incorporate into mu planning etc and have magnificent and engaging lessons without having to do a lot of the leg work. Giving the horrific workload at this time of year, that in itself has been a god sent. The kids LOVED the secret aspect to it, and I really this that, and the codes etc help get there buy in.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? Linked to writing, art and math
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We will continue monitoring the plants growth, children sending photos from home as they continue to care for plants.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? Generated lots of conversations about vegetables and why we eat them.
Room 1 loved planting their seeds and checking them each day until they sprouted. Having them growing in the classroom led to lots of conversations about vegetables (what we like/don't like to eat), how plants grow, our gardens at home etc.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? We measured our plants as the sprouted
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? How to make a salad using them all
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? Students learnt how long it takes to grow vegetables and how easy it can be
Kids loved the kit and it has taught them hands on skills
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? This kit involved maths, literacy, the key competencies and science. Lots of learning!
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? There are plenty of future links across the curriculum. The codes relate to maths and the digital technologies curriculum and our continued work on our school gardens.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? I heard new vocabulary being used and they all gave new veges a go on our last day.
My kids loved the secrecy of the Little Garden League. The codes added a nice touch and I was able to extend on the activities.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? Maths- measuring, graphing, comparing, counting. Literacy- reading &; cracking codes, reading instructions, writing about the plants. Science- learning about what plants need to grow. Health- what our bodies need to grow.
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Planting &; looking after the school vege garden. Cooking the produce from the garden. Healthy eating. Writing about veges using descriptive language.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? Children are starting to see where vegetables come from and are learning about the nutrients in vegetables and why they are good for you. They know it is important to try new things.
Thanks so much School Kit and New World for providing such a great resource kit. The children loved being part of a secret club and cracking the codes. They were excited about getting a little garden and planting them. They learnt lots about how to take care of the plants and can't wait for the plants to grow so they can plant them in the garden.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning? The project has provided wonderful links to the core curriculum areas. The children are busy spreading the word about how great vegetables are through their writing this week, and creating graphs about which vegetables people like and dislike. We have als
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? This kit has inspired another project for us next term, about different ways we can grow vegetables. Looking through the lense of Technology, we will investigate how we can provide suitable, stable growing conditions so we can enjoy more fresh vegetables
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating? We have looked at why vegetables are so good for you and the students have learned about vitamins and minerals. We have also looked at how 'freshness' can affect the goodness of the vegetables, and highlighted the benefits of growing or buying good qualit
My Class loved the story about the brave individuals who went underground to protect the future of vegetables and were hooked straight away! They are thoroughly enjoying being part of the Little Garden League and proudly wear their badges around the school. The process of planting seeds and watching them grow has sparked many discussion in our class, about healthy eating and what kinds of vegetables the children like. Many have learned of NEW vegetables that they never knew existed! And they seem eager to try them. All round, it has been a very engaging project and very worth while.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago