How effective was this kit in providing opportunities for cross-curricular learning?
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways did this kit give opportunity for cross-curricular learning?
Science - how plants grow, what they need to survive. diagrams
Maths - measurement, of liquids, days to germination
Writing - explanation on how plants grow
Oral Language - talking about what LGL was with other classes around the school and their pare
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
Questions that came out of this kit for future learning.
What is soil?
How could we make and care for a school garden?
What are some different ways seeds we could germinate seeds?
Cooking and tasting a variety of different foods from around the world.
In what ways has this kit improved students awareness of nutrition and healthy eating?
This kit has given my students the opportunity to talk about different vegetables they have or haven't tried. Questions arose about why was there flower plants in the little garden kit. We learned why it is important to eat a balanced diet that includes f