How successful was this kit in building student recognition of vegetables?
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways has this kit improved student awareness of nutrition and healthy eating?
I think it was the class disscussion around growing food to eat and not being reliant on supermarkets and others to ensure we are nourished.
How successful was this kit in promoting student ability to identify vegetables?
The children loved the different varietys of vegatables and the shapes that cam out of the groud gave us endless ideas for art but over all the children gained ahuge understanding of how vegtables look and taste.
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We have used our garden as a sustainability project promoting ability to grow to eat. We used science (*as it is our topic) in cooking and how we can transform and change a pumpkin into soup. The children wish to continue to plant our gardend and we are c
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
Science Writing and Outdoor Ed.