How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
Great scientific observations such as I Spy a Bug'... friend or foe, Guess the Seed, What's in the water...will it help the plant or make it sick? Soil or dirt and Let's compost that! Our students love this kit so much they have decided to make scarecrows
How successful was this kit in building student recognition of vegetables?
How effective was this kit in promoting healthy eating in your classroom?
In what ways has this kit improved student awareness of nutrition and healthy eating?
The class decided to have a cultural shared lunch to celebrate the diversity of cultures in our classroom and enjoy new foods eaten in other countries.
How successful was this kit in promoting student ability to identify vegetables?
High impact. Learning names of vegetables and fruits in Maori (and other languages -Chinese). Labelling plants, identifying vegetables including new veges not familiar with. Students shared the kinds of veges, fruits and other foods they eat at home.