How motivated are your students to take care of their local environment after this kit?
What cross curricular learning opportunities arose from using Nature as the context?
Science: exploring space, living world, climate change
Health and PE: positive mindset, gratefulness, thankfulness.
English: Extending vocabulary
How were your students' happiness levels improved when being in nature?
How engaged were your students with their senses during this kit?
How has the kit impacted you and your students feelings toward nature?
I was amazed at the sense of ownership and responsibility the students showed over their seedlings. They are tremendously proud of their achievement in getting the seeds to germinate. I aim to foster and grow this sense of responsibility to extend to taki
What were the benefits of using Nature as a context for learning?
Nature is all around us and it has brought the students to the realization that we just have to take notice. This has tied in well with our gratitude and thankfulness discussions this term.
How openly did students discuss the beauty of nature after taking part in this kit?
How effective was this kit in increasing students' sense of place?