How motivated are your students to take care of their local environment after this kit?
What cross curricular learning opportunities arose from using Nature as the context?
Science, Social Studies, Maths - conditions required for life, supply and demand, impact of humans on environment (pluses and minuses)
How were your students' happiness levels improved when being in nature?
How engaged were your students with their senses during this kit?
How has the kit impacted you and your students feelings toward nature?
Discussions and observations generated a sense of wonder. Students were very happy to be outdoors, moving among the tress, getting their hands dirty. They enjoyed being with students who are not in their class.
What were the benefits of using Nature as a context for learning?
Easy access to authentic learning opportunities
Students have a high level of interest in nature
Impact of actions could be seen. Getting outside and mixing with other students not normally part of their peer group.
How openly did students discuss the beauty of nature after taking part in this kit?
How effective was this kit in increasing students' sense of place?