How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model?
Yes, we have explored turangawaewae as a syndicate with these materials providing inspiration.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit?
Cenotaph, NZ On Screen, National Library, Nga Taonga, Papers Past
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
We have not been able to explore the kit in as much detail as we would have liked. We look forward to doing so in the new year, as we explore NZ histories in greater detail.
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before?
How effective was the student facing website ( for your learners?
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community?
Yes. This is something that is incredibly important to our confidence as educators on these subjects. We will explore NZ histories in greater detail in the coming year.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?