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Aotearoa NZ Histories 23 Reviews

4.4 Rating 756 Reviews
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? no
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? It’s good to have some physical articles to spark curiosity for the students but I’m still trying to figure out how to put this into a comprehensive unit with learning outcomes
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? We’re quite lucky that we already have a great relationship with our local iwi, marae and connect regularly with our local environment and stories. I would like to create my own kit for our specific area
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Lots of the students were interested but didn’t grasp why we were learning about the stories
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Students loved hearing lots of the stories and learning about some things they’d never heard of before. I found it a bit difficult to go through the teacher materials to create a solid unit that would be good for my students.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? The kit has opened up a world of learning for all of us. The children have engaged in deeper conversations which meant that we were learning more about ourselves and perspectives from all of our students.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Absolutely because the model is easy to use and it allows for extension through the resources provided and the many links that we discovered along the way.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Very empowering because we were guided rather than told.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Digital NZ, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This was unpacked as a staff. All teachers were able to make links and share ideas as we took out the various items provided. We were impressed with the ingenuity of the items shared and where we could start the journey of discovery for our team and our classrooms.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Unable to comment at this stage due to receiving kit only on the last day of term 3
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes keen to undertake this locally
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Unable to comment at this stage due to receiving kit only on the last day of term 3
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Cenotaph, Papers Past, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Hi I only received this box on the last day of term 3 so haven’t had an opportunity to share with my class. I have however had a look through all the resources and it looks like there’s a wealth of information and exciting learning to follow in term four.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? no
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Positively impacted my confidence.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? It sparked a little interest.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Made it real and genuine.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, NZ On Screen
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Unfortunately, due to timetabling, we were not able to use this resource kit to its full potential. It looked like great quality resources, very thorough and engaging. I will definitely be holding onto it and using it again in the future.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? A lot more - enjoyed all the different perspectives.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes - a lot of history to be learnt
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Highly
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Very engaging and have been left with awesome resources that I can use in the future.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Have some new ideas of presenting things.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Made it trustworthy
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
It was awesome to have the kit to give the kids some tactile aspects to their Learning. The online component was a little tricky for some students to follow (the vertical layout tripped them up, the amount of words was off putting).
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? I feel more supported to deliver aspects of this curriculum more efficiently.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? I’ve only looked at one story so far, but I do feel this model could be adapted to fit our local history
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? I loved this aspect. It made me feel that the stories were more balanced, not one sided.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Digital NZ, Cenotaph, Papers Past, NZ On Screen
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This kit is epic. Such an amazing bank of knowledge. There is enough information to last a few years.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Yes, it is a resource that can be used again and again. It was an additional resource to have alongside our unit.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes, this is a resource that will be used again.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? It helped build connections.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This is a great resource to support with making connections in local areas with Aotearoa NZ Histories.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago