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Aotearoa NZ Histories 23 Reviews

4.4 Rating 756 Reviews
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? The kit impacted my confidence a lot i have very littel prior knowledge so this formed my inquiry as well
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Although I didn't this time with a doubt this provides a model for future
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? teaching with respect
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Cenotaph, Papers Past, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This kit is amazing and must have been a very creative knowledgeable production team that created this concept. The options are endless and I'm sure every time I return to the kit a new possibility comes to mind.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? no
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Provided me with a boost as it confirmed what I already know.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? We have just done a unit on our local area and the kit provided resources for my class.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Gave authenticity to the stories.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Cenotaph, Papers Past, NZ On Screen, Ngā Taonga, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
I used the kit to supplement my unit on the local history of my area. It provided an example for my rangatahi about the wider history in Aotearoa for the same time period as they were also researching.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? I am really excited about exploring more history of NZ now!
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Very much!
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Huge!
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, Papers Past, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This kit has helped me explore some NZ histories that I had no idea about or knowledge of. The structure of the stories enabled me to look at many elements of the story from a different lens that I may previously.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? I love history so this was a great way to introduce and talk about the ‘refresh’ with colleagues so they’d be less fearful when approaching the ‘how to teach’ this.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Motivated and ready. That is the best part of this particular kit. It can be dipped into with some depth of learning for ākonga because there is clear guidance and resourcing to get started! Love it.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Glad that there was consultation because facts in history are essential. There are too many lies and twisted stories. We can’t learn if it is based on fables.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Ākonga have been surprisingly excited to discover that history can not only help us understand what happened in the past but how it has potential to help us for the future. My students found the initial contact with the website daunting and confusing as the levels of mahi are not clearly labeled. However, with modeling and scaffolding we were all able to navigate the treasure trove of info that gave us all we needed about Suzanne Aubert and her impact on both NZers, Catholics and including the Māori. This one investigation has led us to creating presentations to help others want to be excited about HISTORY! It has also given us motivation and inspiration to learn more about how WE can carry on Suzanne’s legacy. We’ve only managed to dig into this kit for 3 weeks (as we received our kit from a waiting list) but will carry it on into Term 4. Thanks to the Ministry of Education and School Kit for this living resource!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Given me a lot more confidence because I have learnt so much history through it also. The information also comes from a source that I trust and know will be correct so not Misinforming students.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? We started with our local area before this kit but now I would love to go back and see the ‘hidden’ history. The stories people have that tell a real story about our land.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Huge because you could trust the information and know that it had not just come from one persons opinion or facts and it had the Māori culture truthfully present in it.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Cenotaph, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
I have started unpacking the amazing resources for this kit and am so impressed and excited for my class to fully get into it! I know they are going to be very engaged in the learning with the online component and the fabulous hands on resources as well. The depth of knowledge and learning that is in this kit is huge and could easily spread throughout the year. They are such interesting stories and have different topics for all the kids to enjoy. Love this kit!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Positive
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Essential.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, Papers Past, NZ On Screen, Ngā Taonga, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Brought in to help with low literacy level 1 students at senior high school. Fantastic. Resources can be a touch advanced, but audience I was using it for was not the intended audience so understandable.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Yes.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Not at this point; there was enough in the kit to carry on with
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? I didn’t know this
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
While I hv applied for an extension, I did get to work through some of the kit before the end of term. I think the depth of info, the photos and other artefacts drew the students in. I feel that this initial go, even with instructions and student website , I was ‘feeling my way’ a bit and I will approach this differently with my other social studies classes next term, first working through a story together to model everything and see how the photos etc fit (which I was not sure of at first).
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? It has given greater insights into stories across a wider spectrum of Aotearoa.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? It gave a greater appreciation for the vital role iwi have in sharing the stories from our community.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
There was a lot of care put into the resource kit. It gave a broad scope in the way the photo cards could be used with classes.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago