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Aotearoa NZ Histories 23 Reviews

4.4 Rating 756 Reviews
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? no
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Concrete resources make it easier to deliver lessons
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? To find and use tokens and concrete materials from the past to engage students
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Unsure
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, NZ On Screen
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
High quality resources, suited for year 4+
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Through the new stories I have been able to feel confident teaching this content. There is so many helpful resources!
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? This has motivated me to find out more about Taranaki history!
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? This made me feel confident that it was true and correct for each region.
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Digital NZ
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This kit is an amazing resource to teach the new Social Studies curriculum. I thoroughly enjoy all of the little pieces you get with each story as this is something tangible for students to have.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Not particularly, but we’re useful.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? I’ve done some further Google searching and reading.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Lovely
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
The resources are gorgeous. They cover a range of possible contexts and topics.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? More confidence
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Great having local knowledge from iwi
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? Digital NZ, Papers Past, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Will use in Term 4
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Its helped so much.
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? 100% as a class it got us talking more about what events may had taken place around us.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? It was really cool. We also talk about the importance of consulting those closer to an event.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
We used this kit as a while class research. The kids loved going through all the photis and taking guesses about what event may have occured. We'll be using the kit again next term as the detective work isnt over yet...
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? The resources match perfectly to the learning opportunities and have been carefully selected
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes, I could definitely see the benefit of creating a similar resource for my local area
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Very positive making for an authentic resource
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Cenotaph, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
This is a great kit that includes artefacts and images as clues. Nice also to dip in and out of as time permits.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Improved it and I like the different stories that were introduced to the students
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? Yes, if it was more user friendly for this age group.
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? Positive
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? RNZ, Digital NZ, Cenotaph, Papers Past, NZ On Screen, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
My Y6 class enjoyed the investigation aspect of the website. However I believe that the much of the website is aimed at older students and that the website needed to be made simpler for primary students aged Y4-6. Maybe seperate websites depending in age group.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did you Encounter Stories You Didn't Know Before? yes
How effective was the student facing website (somethinghappenedhere.co.nz) for your learners?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How effective were the Teacher Support Materials in the School Kit Squad website?
Not Effective At All
Highly Effective
How has this kit impacted your confidence in delivering the new Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content? Have confidence due to resources but I still don’t know enough
How has this kit motivated you to explore the history or your local area? Could you use this model? It’s hard to find out local things as the iwi is very hard to reach
How significant was the impact of this kit on your confidence in delivering the Aotearoa NZ's histories curriculum content?
Not Significant At All
Very Significant
How would you rate your knowledge of the new Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum content prior to using this kit?
None At All
Very High
What was the impact of knowing the stories in this kit were developed in collaboration with their iwi/whānau/community? N/a
Which of the following archives were you aware of and using with your students prior to kit? NZ On Screen, Ngā Taonga, National Library
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
Class enjoyed all the resources that they could play with and read.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago