How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours?
Taking turns, conferring with others, listening to others, asking others to join in, seeing the humour in situatios.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
How has this kit influenced your classroom community?
This kit suited many of my students who used it with me to develop social skills, but then they used it with other students with themselves as the leaders. It encouraged turn taking, listening as well as speaking, and working with peers who they may not usually choose to be grouped with.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is?
The kit has very attractive visual resources so it was instantly engaging,, and promoted a range of interpersonal exchanges in a respecful context.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid?
This is not a covid time at our school.