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Respectful Relationships 22 Reviews

4.4 Rating 756 Reviews
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? Linking with other resources helped support a healthy and positive relationships. To also think when it is important to let the teacher know too.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Helped promote positive relationships with their peers and talk about their problems.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? How important it is to listen to each other.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? -
The kit helped provide key prompts and helped scaffold children's values in the playground and the classroom.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? It open my young students eyes to different possibilities and though some struggled with the concept I'm sure they will try again.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? It has made them more aware of others differences and that those differences aren't wrong just different to theirs. That everyone wants a friend that's right for them..
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? Through the stories they were able to see that we are all different and all deserved to be treated with kindness, especially when they are not in your circle of friends.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? We did this kit after COVID so it helped re build some relationships and for others it has made them more aware of who is important to them.
The resources in this kit are amazing! So many different ways that you can teach your students. How you use it depends on their needs and the direction they show you. We especially loved the download/upload mat, students would stand on there and breathe out their troubles and then breathe in some energy! Some students struggled to play with others outside their circle but they tried. We really liked this kit and I know I will be able to use the resources again and again. Thank you
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? I have noticed a lot more empathy and considering who others are feeling.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? For the better. I teach the new entrant class so we have had new children join our class through out the term. The children loved the stickers and playing with different children at play times.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? The children are able to tell you what a good friend does and doesn’t do. They know how to fill someone else’s bucket up.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Thankfully we are passed covid times.
The students loved this kit! So much to it. It tied in very well with our other topic learning around belonging. I also incorporated it into our Religious Education learning.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? I see that students are now able to identify their own feelings and recognise the feelings of others. This helps to show kindness towards each other when upset or hurt.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? By helping my kids to get to know each other on an emotional level and encourage them to find things in common with one another.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? It aligns beautifully with our school value of respect. Clear discussion topics and scenarios helped develop understanding of what a respectful relationship looks like and feels like.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Covid is not really something that is relevant are this time
The students in my classroom enjoyed this kit a lot. It generated some very thoughtful discussions. Thanks School Kit!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? I helped develop kindess and empathy for others which was awesome.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? They are now talking about how they are feeling and why. It is so important to express this and this is also helping students to recharge their batteries when needed.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? I think they have a better understanding of what a respectul relationship is and are more open to playing with those of the opposite sex, as well with people they don't normally play with. They are showing more kindness to one another and talking more openly. However, I still need to continue teaching and reminding of what we have learnt.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? During Covid is not relevant for my class, but I have a lot of new students in my class this year so it has helped them to establish relationships and keep them which is cool.
This kit was a fantastic resources for teaching my year 2-3 students some self regulation, recognising how charged their batteries were and also looking at where their peers were at and how they might help them to charge up. I loved that it allowed kids to look outside themselves and to show kindness to others. We loved the battery and working through all the different activities to help learn about our emotions and also to identify how others might be feeling. I loved too that it encouraged students to play with different people and know that it is ok.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? The kit came at the right time as we had a new child to the classroom which had a negative impact on the other children in the class.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? The kit has had a huge, positive impact on our classroom. It has changed around many unwanted behaviours.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? The students have extended their thinking of what a respectful relationship is. They have more empathy for others.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? n/a
The Respectful Relationships kit has worked nicely alongside our school focus on Kindness. It has helped me address some behaviours in the class in a positive way. Highly recommend!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? All the children are able to get along with each other and they have all been playing with different friends at playtimes and lunchtimes as well during class times.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Yes we are more caring and understanding of each other. We are respectful of each others differences.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? Yes. They are trying to foster their knowledge that they have gained on other students in the school.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? We have not had Covid at this time period.
I have found the children are very caring towards each other and their teachers.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? Provided resources and vocab that is appropriate for younger students to help them understand that their choice affect others.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Positively
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? They are aimed at a level that is relevant to them. The examples are things that happen out in the playground and they know how it feels to be on the receiving end. The kit gives them tools and ideas of how they can overcome them.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Some what relevant, but we are carrying on as if Covid isn't really a thing.
This is the second time I've used this kit with year 2's and it is great! They all relate to the battery so well and have a better understanding of how their actions affect others.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago