How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours?
Great as there are always issues around how students talk to each other and how to respond to others so helped them understand how to respond to others
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
How has this kit influenced your classroom community?
Students have been working well with others in the class whom they don’t normally play or interact with
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is?
Good students can tell me what they need to do to show someone else respect
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid?
Don’t think this is relevant to our class as we haven’t had those interruptions this term and this is something we have been working on all year before we got the kit