How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours?
Our students refer to the class battery, the charge up station and the mindfulness breathing when they need it or to remind each other how to manage their wellbeing and stress.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
How has this kit influenced your classroom community?
The students remind each other about these tools and strategies which shows an increase of empathy and understanding about other's feelings and what people might need to help them feel better.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is?
Students were able to make a connection between the characters in the story and videos and what a respectful relationship is. They were able to understand that a large part of a respectful relationship is about having empathy and understanding for others and what they might be dealing with on the inside.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid?
The way we used the kit initiated a lot of discussion and oral language skills which students need support with after Covid.