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Respectful Relationships 22 Reviews

4.4 Rating 756 Reviews
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? We used our brainstorms to frequently refer back to when problems arose, or front footing the kinds of behaviour I wanted to see
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Make them spend time with others outside of their friendship circle
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? By giving it visibility
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Covid isn't relevant for my class at the end of 2023
My Year 3 class really enjoyed the resources in the kit, we also incorporated some of the resources into our Circle Time which worked well.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? It helped them to realise what they needed to do
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? In a really positive way
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? It has helped them to understand how they can be kind and respectful to each other
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Really relevant
Really supported and reinforced the learning for what the children were already learning
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? They could identify them better
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? For the better, ‘one class, our class’
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? They use the language
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Very
The children really engaged in this unit and the lead in help them to generate questions that they felt more comfortable to ask.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? Building relationships and encouraging different friendships in Term 4 was a hit - children got to play with different classmates - and develop new friendships before going into new classes next year!
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? New friendships developing and nice things being said to each other - even in Term 4 where kids are getting a little scratchy with each other.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? They understand about give and take with play (compromise) - asking questions to show an interest in others.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? Even though we're not in Covid now, I think this kit has helped teach children about tolerance and acceptance for others in a classroom - and that even though we're different we all belong to a class and can be friends with each other.
I got this kit in Term 4 to help support a child in my class who has struggled with building and keeping friendships over the year. The video from the movie "Inside Out" prompted me to explain the Zones of Regulations with the class and this has helped many children in my Year 2/3 class talk about and explain their emotions.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? The use of social conversations and using the same language/vocabulary helps each child to identify with their emotions, starting with the new entrants. The kit is not only used by the classroom teacher but allows the teacher aide to work with small groups of children as well.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? The children are good at sharing their learning and tasks that they are doing with their parents and caregivers.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? It's about building small with everyone on the same page and understanding with language and vocabulary.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? We did not have this kit during covid, but would be able to use some of this if we had to go into lockdown again and class and group lessons were online.
We loved the mat that had both English and Te reo. In our room we have a different special helper every day and used the full charge mat as their special spot, then everyone gets more than one turn each term. The resources were great as an added extra especially to support themselves when regulating their emotions, but also to notice how others are also feeling. Something we are big on is about being able to use a variety of strategies to support the children managing their emotions. Breathing to be calm and breathing to sing worked well for most of the kids.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? It has helped children look outside their chosen direct friendship groups to see others in their class in need of help, or inclusion
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Children are becoming more aware of their own responses to situations
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? This ties in with our school value of kotahitanga as well and it has helped develop children working more respectfully and collaboratively with others they might not necessarily choose to learn with
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? This is not really relevevant at this time
This kit was used alongside our Term Inquiry about growth mindset, and how we can use our positive mindset to help others and build better relationships with others,
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? Kids being able to work with different groups of people
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? Made it more positive
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? The story cards and resources from the kit were helpful in understanding what respectful relationships are
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? n/a
Respectful relationships worked well in my class to ensure people were playing with different people. This made in class work a lot easier as everyone was used to working with others
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How has the kit helped to develop prosocial behaviours? The kit includes examples or scenarios that depict respectful and prosocial behaviors, providing students with positive models to follow.
How successful has this kit been in building the relationships between students in your classroom?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
How effective has this kit been in improving students' prosocial behaviours?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit influenced your classroom community? The respectful relationship kit focuses on creating an environment that supports positive interactions and fosters a sense of community and is an ideal kit to do in term 1 when you are developing a classroom culture.
How have the components of Respectul Relationships helped develop your student's understanding of what a respectful relationship is? The entire kit helped the students understand what a respectful relationship looked like, sound like and felt like. It also helped them to identify unhealthy relationships.
How relevant has this kit been in your class during covid times?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
How relevant has this kit been with maintaining/establishing/reestablishing classroom relationships during Covid? We did this in class, so did not really apply.
This kit helped to teach skills such as empathy, communication, self-awareness, and responsible decision-making. It was a helpful tool throughout the first term of school as we established a classroom culture. It influenced how we interacted with one another in the classroom and on the playground.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago