Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles?
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change?
I thought there would be a lot less of online issues, and more play ground / friendship issues. Often many children didn't see there was a problem so it was great to talk about certain situations and then they became aware, it was actually not right.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online?
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit
I did remove some of the topic cards, it wasn't that I was uncomfortable to teach or talk about it, but more the potential backlash I would receive from some parents, some of my year 5's are still very young. I know these cards were meant to provide conve
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit?
They did not understand the meaning of some of the emotions, or had never even heard of the words before. This was great at extending vocab in writing.