Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles?
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change?
We noticed how naive some of our students were about some online issues. The Y7's hadn't experienced as much online bullying as the Y8's. One thing we noticed was that they had very differing values about what was appropriate or inappropriate behaviours i
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online?
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit
We felt quite comfortable delivering this content as we had discussed our approaches we would take with our students. It also helped that we were a Y7 class and Y8 class working in a flexible learning environment and the whanaungatanga is very strong.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit?
What surprised us the most was how staunch our students are about the decisions they make, opinions they hold, what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and not acceptable. The values that come from home really varied.