Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles?
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change?
I assumed that with the huge amount of time my kids were spending online that they were more aware of the dangers that some of the sites posed to them, the issues were more mature than I had initially perceived.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online?
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit
We had just done puberty and the learning relationship had developed a considerable amount after that, so by the time I taught this, we were comfortable having open and honest conversations as a class group. I can, however, see the benefit of doing this a
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit?
A large number had seen objectional material, most often it had been sent to them through an older friend, a lot of them said they had told their parents but that their parents let them keep watching/using devices with no supervision. Also surprised me th