Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles?
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change?
The class were incredibly honest about the experiences they have had online and about how they respond to things. We had some very interesting answers when we looked at the situation cards, and students considered how they would react.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online?
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit
I felt quite comfortable. We set ground rules before we started, as with any topic, and we only talked about the things relevant to the class. As the lessons went on, we introduced more info. A couple of students admitted that although some of the topics
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit?
My class had a lot of previous knowledge about staying safe online and yet so many students do not follow it! Tik Tok was a prevailing topic when looking at our behaviours, with most of the class having accounts despite not being old enough. We also took