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Safer Digital Behaviours 20 Reviews

4.5 Rating 466 Reviews
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? No
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? it made it clearner that girls have a higher understanding of what to do over the boys.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 60-80%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit There was a great range of levels and depth of the senarios. Started great conversations that the students were unsure about.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? We had a lot of off topic conversations (Relevent learning and discussions) about ethics and right and wrong. Was great to see them get into the eithics chats and looking at philisophical ideas.
Safer Digital Behaviours
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? No
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? Kit linked nicely with the visit we organised with our community constable to talk about social media and potential dangers.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 20-40%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit I felt comfortable to reframe questions or topics raised to keep this within what I feel we have remit to discuss.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? The number of students who embark on friendships with other kids their age online.
Really enjoyed the kit and am going to recycle it to use to set up expectations with my class in term 1 next year.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? Yes
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? Because I am their Dean as well as the class teacher I was quite aware of most issues but was concerned about the number who knew about things like for example Catfishing. I think my concern was more that their parents were probably unaware.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 20-40%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit Not always comfortable mostly because with a composite class I was aware of the range of students experiences, some very aware and others very sheltered.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? How honest they were at all times in all activities - or seemed to be at least I believe this kit was successful however even as were in the middle of using it issues would occur that were exactly like the issues covered in class that week, having sai
Background: Our school is a BYOD school and we use a number of platforms at school and students are encouraged to use their devices in their home learning which with Lockdown was a blessing. Many year 7 and 8's who would not normally have been given them got given cell phones during lock down to keep in touch with their friends. On returning to school the number of social media bullying incidents we were dealing with grew exponentially. These issues came on to the school grounds and in to the classrooms impacting on relationships and learning programmes. Programme: I was thrilled to see the invite to take part in your programme ";Online, Offline, Keep it in line";. I could see the need. It was strange for me to follow a plan written by someone else. So much of my planning is co-constructed with the students or instigated by me so I found myself reading and rereading instructions over and over to be clear about processes and make sure I got it right! The hands on resources were helpful, instead of having to make things myself especially the ";Wise Response Decision Maker"; The activities were appropriate for my class = Year 7 and 8 composite I liked being able to choose the cards/contexts/content of the issues and in fact get the students to do the choosing I will continue with this programme in to 2021 as I keep half of my class and have a new half coming in For lots of reasons I did this unit in term 4 - not ideal I will use them again in the future but right from day 1 of the year
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? Yes
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? Even though my students are only 8-9 years old, more than half of them are facing issues of encoutering mean comments online and talking to strangers while playing games. This became apparent through our discussions while doing the activities in the safer
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 40-60%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit I mostly felt comfortable approaching the 'difficult' topics.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? How many students are playing games that are age restricted. How unaware they were about having a digital footprint. The number of students that have experienced abusive language in chat rooms while playing games.
A great resource, relevant to students.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? Yes
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? I didn't realise how many of them chatted with strangers online through games with their voices!
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 40-60%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit I wasn't sure what was appropriate sometimes, didn't want negative parent feedback.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? How much gaming they do and chatting with strangers.
Fantastic kit. A great way to introduce some trickier situations. I would prefer a hardcopy of the instructions, it was annoying having an expiry date on the download.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? No
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? N/A
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 0-20%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit I was comfortable in that I tailored it to the age level of my class (Year 5/6) and I know my children and their backgrounds well.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? How switched on the class was about different issues and about how accepting they were. It was great to hear about different parental conversations which had happened at home.
My class loved the scenario activities and I thought it was brilliant how well planned it all was - it was varied which kept the children engaged!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? No
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? This is an important issue facing our students in this digital world and the resources helped me explain this to the students in a non threatening way and open dialogue and conversation with them about what has happened to them. A surprise was how many st
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 80-100%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit My comfort level was the same as teaching Sexuality and that was fine. Having discussions about porn was a new experience and had to prepare before hand about what I would and wouldn't talk about.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? How open they were to talk about what has happened to them online.
This kit was a good way to talk about those things that are becoming quite common with young kids nowadays and their digital footprint. The activities and resources showed the students examples of what has happened in the real world in a non threating way. However, the porn section was quite confronting and some students were withdrawn from the talks.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Did your perception of what issues were relevant to your class change? This could be from statements made or the marbles? Yes
In what way did your perception of the issues relevant to your class change? I was surprised how many of my students believed it was okay to act differently online compared to offline. It was also interesting to find out some of the situations they have faced already.
How effective was this kit in promoting empathy and positive relationships within your students?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How relevant were the 'That's Out Of Line' cards to your learners?
Not Relevant At All
Very Relevant
What percentage of your students indicated have been in an uncomfortable situation online? 40-60%
How successful was this kit in teaching your class strategies around safe digital behaviours?
Not Successful At All
Very Successful
Please describe your comfort level in delivering the more mature content within this kit Having already done the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme last year, many of these conversations had begun then - this was an effective follow on. I did choose carefully for my Year 5/6 students - we did leave some of the more mature content.
How comfortable were you in approaching the more mature topics in this kit?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
What was something that surprised you about your class throughout the teaching and learning of this kit? Again, how they believed it was okay to be a different person online. It seemed they come across so many people that act differently which made them think that was normal and acceptable.
This was a great kit that promoted some interesting conversations among my students. I learned more about how they use technology and social platforms and had discussions around the different ways of dealing with tricky situations online.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago