What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We connected more with our local iwi, and have set up more volunteering around environmental planting, clean-ups and learning bout te taiao from a mana whenua perspective.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture?
Tamariki are now more apt to call each other out on littering. They are hugely mindful of the amount of masks we waste or where they end up around our school. A lot of them have also stopped bringing more plastic waste in their lunchboxes.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism?
Amazing they got a lot out of it. We went to a beach that (unbeknownst) to us had been cleaned up by another group a week or so before. So although they didn't get a lot of rubbish, they were pleased that other people had the same ideas as them.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?