What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit?
We have thought about how we could help clean up our waterways around our area, what our school as a whole could do to make a difference.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
2 hr
How has this kit impacted on your class culture?
My students are working together as a whole class. They are discussing ideas and listening to each other opinions. My class even contacted the council as they found many industrial pieces of rubbish that needed to be cleared.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism?
The students have become more aware of the impact humans can have on the environment and how important it is to take care of our environment.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?