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Sea Cleaners 22 Reviews

4.7 Rating 197 Reviews
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? It was the end of the year so no chance for added on learning.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? Children pick up more rubbish on the school grounds.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? Children were well informed to start with but it added to their enthusiasm and wanting to make sure everyone helps the environment. They are bossing their parents around about being careful.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? One
The sea cleaners kit is great. The gloves have a catchy phrase that we used a lot. Great photos of sea creatures and loved that you could stick collected rubbish onto some of the pictures. Very easy to use resources with 5 year olds. It made sorting and counting very clear.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Children are keen tocontinue with rubbish clean ups
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup? 10 h
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? Children are keeping each other accountable for rubbish they do not pick up
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? The children realised that their actions had an impact on the sea environment
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
This was a great resource. Children connected with the posters and ideas and enjoyed the hands on activities.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Picking up rubbish around school. Classifying the rubbish. Ways to lessen rubbish Rubbish in waterways/ how it gets to the sea
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? Children a lot more aware of the impact and that even making a small difference is worth it
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? Made chn much more aware of the impact rubbish had on sea creatures. Started lots of discussion, tesearch
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
Great resource. Easy to use. Children loved the pictures and gloves.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? Breaking down of rubbish Uses of plastic Recycling
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? They are all a lot more respectful in the sense of picking up rubbish- wanting to ensure that they are doing their part for the community and how one person can make a difference.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? The kids were a lot more aware of how their rubbish impacts the environment and how long certain things can take to break down. Also how it impacts the sea life.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
My kids thoroughly enjoyed this. We talked about the importance of picking up rubbish and the effect that it has on our waterways. As we aren't easily accessible to water ways near us - we collected rubbish around our school. We discussed the different impacts and how it effects our waterways.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? I could try different beaches and we also talked about roadside litter pick and how we could do it safely.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? We discussed how we can make sure that our own school grounds are always litter free including adding more bins to the eating area.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? They were all really surprised at how much we found. There was even clothes and a wetsuit boot! Lots of glass that was mostly smooth and surprisingly not much plastic. We predicted beforehand, what we thought we were going to find. The students were surpr
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
Sea Cleaners Kit, We took this kit to camp with us and wasn't sure if we would have much rubbish to collect. we were so surprised how much we found.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? We will continue to look at what we can do for our area and how smaller efforts can make a bigger impact
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? We are working more as a team and seeing that every little bit can be impactful
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? My students became more aware on how they could have a direct impact on their environment - both positive and negative.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
This was a great kit, I used it in combination with another programme which was very similar. The class showed interest as we were impacting our immediate area.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? During our regular bush walks we will now bring a bag to collect rubbish that we see alongside our bird watching and nature collecting.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? We did this alongside investigating sea creatures, it was great to have this resource to add an environmental aspect to our learning.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? Students listened and participated in the picking up of rubbish, but due to their complex needs I didn't see results of the comprehension of the good we were doing down the track, only that the space we visited is now clean. We will continue to revisit mu
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
A great easy to use kit. Some thought provoking inquiry to where rubbish may need up if not in the bin. A clear message that we can all do our bit all of the time.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What future learning opportunities have arisen from this kit? I feel like the children would take action when they see rubbish instead of walking past it. It might lead on to looking at the importance of plantings in looking after the environment or reduction in litter.
How effective was the context of this kit in promoting statistical thinking?
Not Effective At All
Very Effective
How many hours did your class volunteer for your cleanup?
How has this kit impacted on your class culture? It was great team work doing the clean up and they encouraged each other for finding difficult to spot litter.
In what ways did this kit impact student attitude towards environmentalism? They were surprised at how much of the rubbish was plastic in origin. The started spontaneously talking about ways in which they could reduce their use of plastic to avoid it ending up in the wrong places.
How interested are students in collecting rubbish after this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How interested in a picking up rubbish were your students before this kit?
Not Interested At All
Very Interested
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
This was an outstanding unit of work. The activities were purposeful and contributed so much to the key understandings, and I believe also to social action such as not walking past a piece of litter. I would absolutely teach this again. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were so excited to use their special litter collection gloves.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago