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Sea Cleaners 23 Reviews

4.6 Rating 369 Reviews
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I liked having the gloves so we did not have to touch the rubbish. I liked helping our enviorment and hopefully saves the sea animals.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The poster really made us think and ask questions. We tried to predict what we would find.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? We think about what how we throw away our rubbish.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? That we helped our local community and made it better for others.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) -44.303190 latitude 171.297830 longitude
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Straws, Tyres, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? We found lots of rusty metal
Our topic of inquiry was environmental sustainability, and this kit fit perfectly. There were enough gloves for every student in our class, and the posters and visuals in the kit really made us think and ask deep questions.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 'Whaea Jo, look at my kai box!' (Completely nude kai box) 'Look at the rubbish I got' (This after a self-initiated playtime clean up)
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? For us, the teacher ideas and resources. Sadly we didn't get to use the other high quality resources but I am determined they will be used next year and greatly appreciate the efforts that have been put into them.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? Beach Clean Up none. Sadly, we didn't end up doing it. But many paper shopping bags of rubbish in their playtime and lunch time clean ups.
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? I believe it has had a great impact. The tamariki are 'noticing' and 'seeing' rubbish they never noticed before and are passionate about picking it up. It has had an impact on whānau too with the increase in nude kai boxes and chats at home. Also, some whanau regularly take a bag with them when they go to the beach and decide that everyone will pick up 3 rubbish items. Amazing!
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? I may be small but I can make a difference.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) 41.3289° S, 174.8038° E
What was your cleanup location type? School
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? baby's dummy
I'm afraid, we didn't complete the Beach Clean-Up. Tamariki were engrossed with the Plastic Bag Mockumentry and learned much from it. (They are only 5 so we kept the volume on mute). Though most knew that rubbish is in rivers and seas they hadn't thought about where rubbish they see on the street or in the playground ends up. They talked a lot about the shopping bags they use at home and could explain why plastic bags are no longer in supermarkets. We discussed the pluses and minuses of re-useable and plastic bags and they enjoyed sharing their knowledge. We displayed photos and talked about the great Pacific Garbage Patch. We knew this had a real impact on them because many whānau commented on what their tamariki had shared at home. We built a small-world river environment. Tamariki loved playing with the river in a tray and got a real understanding of the movement of water down a river to the sea. When they added animals- to the tray, we talked about what happens to the animals and plants if the river is full of rubbish. They wanted to build a river outside so we worked together to do this. When it dried up, I asked them where the water went. Though a few said, 'it just disappeared', others shared their prior learning and became teachers explaining that it doesn't just disappear, it 'evaporates' or goes into the ground. All tamariki composed their pepeha with support and many proudly presented theirs after have the opportunity to practise at home. One child explained why it was important to include their mountain and river. 'If you look at a map, you'll know where the person is from'. I shared the book 'wai' with the class and was impressed with their learning and their explanations. We did a quick investigation of packets and plastic in kai boxes and talked about what we could do instead. It was pleasing to note that the tamariki talked about this at home and there has been a large reduction in plastic in kai boxes. A few whanau have shared that they are doing more buying in bulk! One of the things that I have loved is that they have been taking bags out into the playground during morning tea and lunch to pick up rubbish and proudly share this on return to class. This of course encouraged tamariki in other classes to do the same so I was very proud of them. This was an initiative that came from them. They know and understand that though they are small, they can make a big difference!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them Sorry, I am out of class and will not be back at school until next year.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The gloves
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? A lot! Children are now aware of plastic pollution and how it impacts the marine life as well and land wellness.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It became an item of memory of when they cleaned up the beach.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) We did not use the poster.
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Straws, Household Waste, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? The most interesting was toys.
This was a useful kit and fit our inquiry for Term 4 perfectly! We did Young Ocean Explorers and as a field trip, planned to clean up a beach. The kit was useful for this field trip. We gave the gloves to the students who participated as a souvenir.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 'I never knew how much rubbish their actually was at the beach.' 'I am going to get my family to make more sustainable choices from now on.'
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The beach trip to pick up rubbish
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 5 full bags, we were supplied with less but brough extra.
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Provided my class with knowledge and hands on learning
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Knowledge about sustainability
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) 2,4
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? A little toy truck, the kids were all very excited to find it.
Came with supplies for 30 students, which was awesome! My students were very engaged throughout the unit.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them Now the plastic won't be going to the garbage patch in the ocean! Look there is a plastic bottle like the one in the video?
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Videos and activity
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 1.5 bags of rubbish
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? It has helped us to appreciate what happens to the rubbish we throw out!
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? The giant garbage patch in the sea had a big impact on them.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) -41.213439, 174.896792
What was your cleanup location type? River
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? bubble tea container
This kit was fantastic and worked so well with our Kaitiakitanga theme this term. The teaching kit was really helpful with the links to videos and resources with a clear progression of the learning. Having all the bags + gloves for the kids made the river clean up so much easier and created real excitement for the task. Having the rubbish audit sheet for afterward was a great reflection of what would have happened if it had continued on to the sea/ocean and the types of rubbish (mostly plastic) included.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them One said, "We love doing this and would like to do it every week. Cleaning up our school every week will help reduce rubbish." Another said,"Our planet earth provides for us so we should take care of mother earth."
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Hand gloves. Kids felt happy cleaning up without getting their hands dirty.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 2 bags per week
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Students now know about being sustainable and are looking after our environment as they provide for us.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? They will practise sustainability and look after our environment.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) lattitude:-36.9681 longitude: 174.7988
What was your cleanup location type? School
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Tin Cans
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Food wrappers in the playing ground. As kids are not allowed to eat out on the ground, they were surprised to see lots of food wrappers on the ground.
It was a fun and engaging kit for year 5 students who executed an exemplary school clean-up program with commendable enthusiasm and responsibility. The kit came with gloves and garbage bags which helped the kids transform the school environment. This initiative not only showcased their commitment to cleanliness but also fostered a sense of civic duty among the students.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them The students loved using the gloves as it made them feel like they were doing an important job. They talk more about the rubbish around the school and community and how they can help.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Gloves and bags - useful, practical
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Awareness much higher
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? They definitely talk about cleaning the beach and the impacts on the ocean with their whānau
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) unknown
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? unknown
It was fabulous having the kit and being able to use the gloves to clean our local beach. Only trouble was the council had been there the day before and there wasn't a lot of rubbish to be found! Not a bad problem to have but next time maybe we'll try a different beach! The students are definitely more aware of picking up the rubbish around the school environment now too.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them One student said, "We need to do this every week. I think we should make it the same time each week to see what we can find.' Another student said, "Why do people drop rubbish? I am going to tell my whanau to be careful. I'm going to pick up rubbish when I ride my bike down the road."
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Having the posters of the animals was very powerful. Some of the younger kids were not able to imagine what creatures were affected. The large collation table has been up in our class. The kids go and look at it all the time and talk about what they found. They discus what we will do next year to improve the environment.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? Three
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? This kit helped to cement what we had been previously doing. The kids have a greater awareness of what they are doing to keep the land clean and the impact that has on the sea.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? They have an important part to play in the protection of the sea. Small steps lead to big changes.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) -38.36883211676337, 178.29077080072884
What was your cleanup location type? School, River
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Socks! so many kids socks had ended up in the bushes!
This was a very engaging unit for our students. We are very close to the awa and moana. The students were able to see the effects of the rubbish in our environment. We did not go to the beach as the machines have been clearing logs/slash from the weather events we have had. The suggested activities and links were great. The students take keeping the area tidy as a very serious task. They loved the gloves! We got the whole syndicate involved.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago