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Sea Cleaners 23 Reviews

4.6 Rating 368 Reviews
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them We found some really weird things! I found it that interesting to look in the soil and see if I can find plastic.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Practical tools for rubbish pick-up, poster to organise data
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 1 full bag
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Awareness around ways of reducing rubbish with our Waste-Free Wednesday luncbox challenge.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Ways of reducing, refusing, or recycling rubbish.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) 177.88, -38.64
What was your cleanup location type? Creek, Native Bush
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws, Household Waste, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Perfume bottle - kids were also fascinated by the 2 full beer bottles we found!
This was a great way to explore the impact of our school rubbish on the local environment. We went down after the rain to look at rubbish that had washed up down the drain. We also discussed the trends amongst the rubbish - where we thought it had come from, the fact that lots of them were food wrappers, and that there were lots of small pieces of rubbish hidden in the ground.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 1. I liked learning about plastics in the ocean and how we can stop it. 2. The posters were good and i liked getting to the beach toclean it up.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Posters and gloves
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? It's made them think about their local environment and how they can look after it.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It's made them think about their local environment and how they can look after it. It's also made them aware on how they can cut down on plastic and rubbish.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Can't recall, sorry.
What was your cleanup location type? Reserve, Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Big pieces of polysturene.
Having the gloves was a great idea and good resources.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I did not know that the rivers could be this long. I noticed that not all rivers all lead to the ocean.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Using the gloves and bags for our clean up helped them to be more prepare for their planning.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 4
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? It has made us to be a better kaitiakitanga.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? The children will remember just how precious our waterways are. How vulnerable our ecosystems are.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) We did not measure this.
What was your cleanup location type? River
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws, Tin Cans, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? pot, we did not expect to find one there.
The kit was very useful and it fitted in very nicely with out Term inquiry. The tasks could be adapted to online creativity with the mock river. Students were engaged through out the whole unit, coming up with plans on how to clean up a river or a water way. It made them think about the local rivers around them. How clean are our waterways?
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I'm amazed at what people just throw away without thinking of what happens to it. Collecting and sorting rubbish was pretty gross but lucky we had protective gloves for the old stuff. We need to make sure we keep our backyards clean so the fish and sea life don't live in a rubbish dump.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? N/a
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? The kids have been really engaged in being kaitiaki of there whenua and made poster for rubbish collection and have a worm farm at school. They wrote letter home requesting that their parents decrease the amount of plastic wrapping in their lunchboxes.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Growing awareness of sustainable living and they can take action to support a cleaner planet.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Not sure
What was your cleanup location type? School, River
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Chip packets because they found so many of them. The kids were shocked with the collective amount
The kids in my classroom enjoyed the learning and exploring the human impact on our water world. They were amazed at what the collected in a short amount of time and learned about the no decomposition of many packaged products that pollute our waterways. Great hands on learning.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them Levi stated that he couldn't believe the amount of rubbish that was discovered under bushes in the park next to the beach. He was surprised to find a car tyre there. Noah stated that he liked exploring along the coast line and discoverd that some rubbish got tangled up in the seaweed. He wodnered if it had come from off a boat in the ocean.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Having the rubbish bags and gloves helped the students to engage particularly as they were labelled with sea cleaners on them
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 10 bags
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Initially there was a lot of discussion about the types of rubbish that was discovered as some larger items were found such as car tyres. Ongoing discussion is required to be mindful about rubbish and where it can land up.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? The biggest impact is the "hidden" rubbish is everywhere and for everyone to be mindful to pick up pieces of rubbish whenever they notice it.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Latitude -37.13687° or 37° 8' 13" south Longitude 174.70449° or 174° 42' 16" east
What was your cleanup location type? Reserve, Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Straws, Tyres, Household Waste, Tin Cans, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? car tyre - the sheer size of it being dumped by a beach was astonishing thing for the students to have discovered that was dumped
This was a very successful activity. Our Y5&6 classes visited Clarks Beach and collected up an enormaous amount of rubbish. This was surprising because at first glance the beach looked very clean until we began to pick up rubbsih and discovered bags and bags full.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them We should buy a large bags of chips and put a handful in our lunchbox. I like to be part of the Wednesday warriors team so I can help picking up the rubbish of the schoolfield.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? When we looked at packeting and saw how much we bring to school in one week.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? That week in total of one bag
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? They realise that they are the kaitiaki of this area and need to step up to make it a better place.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Even that our action are small, it makes a difference
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) 41.1069° S, 174.8681° E
What was your cleanup location type? Green Space, School
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Packet of chips as there was so many of them.
I used this kit as part of Plastic Free July this year. Our school is close to the Porirua Harbour. The amount of single-use plastic has increased over the last year when I wasn't teaching, so I decided to tackle this issue with my class. The ākonga in my class also worked togeter with a buddy class and we are re-introducing Waste Free Wednesdays for our whole school again, lunchboxes that have no single-use plastic in it.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them "I learnt the importance of not littering and the gloves and bags were helpful for our cleanup"
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? gloves because we could repurpose them after the event and it meant everyone had a pair provided
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 1 bag as we did it at a local stream which was thankfully not too messy.
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? It has been a tool to help us as we explore the idea of sustainability of our local area.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? They will remember this event and the effect they had on the local stream.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) unsure
What was your cleanup location type? Creek, Native Bush, Green Space
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? unsure
My class used the Sea Cleaners kit to collect rubbish around our local stream and we have since repurposed the gloves to use around school when working in the garden or doing other outdoor jobs.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I wouldn't have touched all that stuff if we dodn't have the gloves (!) and It's amazing how many of the bags we filled up.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Gloves, but also bags
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? hard to quanitify as we went as a team, but 8-10
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Far more aware and becasuse they did the Mountain to Sea project, they could see the knowck on effects of clearing just one part of that journey
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? That they can make a difference!
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) -41.277725, 174.758487 (I don't have the poster sorry)
What was your cleanup location type? Creek, Native Bush, Reserve
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Household Waste, Tin Cans
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? toys and adult things in together euch.
Great, kids loved having gear to make a positive difference. We actually used it to clear the land around our local waterway, Albermarle Stream.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago