How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
How effective were the components of this kit?
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them
"We made a cool river" "I loved doing the art from the clean-up rubbish and we got some gloves that were cool". "My favourite was the big chart thing and I didnt know what lattitude and longitude was until that"
Which kit components were the most impactful and why?
The clean-up and recording of the rubbish found. The kids were horrified! Great idea to do the posters as they had a big impact. The kids were talking about how sad it was that these animals had all the rubbish in their stomachs as they created the art.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
nearly 1
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability?
We are an enviroschool and do the Garden to Table programme so the kids have quite a bit of knowledge and awareness already but this kit definitely ignited a spark and they were able to build on what they knew
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners?
An awareness of the impact that humans have on their local environment and the need to think about this
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster)
41.3149 degrees (longitude). 174.8187 degrees (latitude)
What was your cleanup location type?
Beach, Other
Which of the following types did your class collect?
Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why?
plastic bags - they were supermarket bags and some of the kids were confused about why they were there because we dont use them at our shops anymore