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Sea Cleaners 23 Reviews

4.6 Rating 369 Reviews
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I like caring for our ocean by picking up rubbish. - Nazeryn . The animals don’t die if we get rubbish . - Blaze
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? Photos gloves and bags
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 6
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Children pick up rubbish during their lunch time!
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? It’s important to care for our environment
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) School and by creek
What was your cleanup location type? Creek, School
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? A birds nest wrapped with plastic
This is my second time using the Sea Cleaners kit and I found it to be very useful and practical for my Year 1 class. Children were motivated with the accompanying photos and keen to collect rubbish to keep our sea clean.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 'It was fun picking up rubbish so the river and the sea can be clean' -Haidee, 'I liked saving the environment' - Ellie, 'It was good to pick up the rubbish because it's good for our environment and we're helping the world stay clean.' - Noah, 'It's sad seeing all the rubbish around and some animals get stuck in the rubbish.' - Saej, 'I could see the difference after we'd picked up the rubbish. It looked so much better' - Makaia 'It was good we had the gloves or we would have had really dirty hands!' - Amelia
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The videos were very impactful because they shared information with the students to inform them of why they were going to pick up rubbish. The actual picking up of rubbish on the day was also impactful because they could see the difference after we were done.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? We already have a Green Team at school that most of my class is a part of. The Green Team picks up rubbish around the school and we've planted native trees too so this kit continued to help reinforce the message we want to put forward that the environment matters and we need to take care of it.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? My learners are very worried about animals eating or getting stuck in plastic in the ocean. After watching the videos and seeing how many plastic bottles etc rubbish we picked up they are much more aware of the need to use less plastic.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Latitude -37.488757 Longitude 175.163937
What was your cleanup location type? River, Other
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Tyres, Household Waste, Tin Cans
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? The most interesting piece of rubbish was a golf ball.
My class of Year 3/4 students enjoyed all parts of the Sea Cleaners Kit! We've been learning about the Waikato River so the Sea Cleaners kit was a perfect fit for our inquiry. The videos included in the teacher's guide were very informative and enjoyed by the students. They helped students to understand the effects of rubbish being carried down the river to the sea. The social action artworks also made a strong statement to the students. The gloves and rubbish bags were very handy and it was nice not to have to go and get those for our rubbish pick up.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 1. Just pick it up - it's not that hard! 2. Think about what you buy and what it will look like if it ends up in our oceans
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The posters were amazing - we used hot glue guns to attach different types of rubbish. We have displayed these and have had so many responses to the display.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 4 full ones
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? I think this will have a massive impact. Some children have already been back to our beach to gather rubbish. They also noted how much of the rubbish could have initially been recycled
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? That we must change - what we purchase, how we recycle and dispose of our rubbish. And that even if the beach looks clean on the surface, look closer and you will be horrified at what you find.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Sorry not sure - will need to look again
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws, Tyres, Household Waste, Tin Cans, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Probably the number of different sized balls was what captured the students interest most.
Great to have all of the safety equipment required to carry out our beach clean, and enough resource for 2 classes. We were able to gather way too much rubbish, but the real work happened with the categorising and classifying back in class.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them I enjoyed the creek clean because I was able to help protect the environment. It made an impact on me because I don't want rubbish to end up in the waterways.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The gloves, the videos and information
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? The class are more aware of how we can be kaitiaki and support whenua ora.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? They want to continue to keep their local environment clean.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) 174.95524, -41.20006
What was your cleanup location type? Creek
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers, Straws, Household Waste, Tin Cans
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? A cellphone
Our syndicate had looked at the Rocky Shore and being kaitiaki in Term 2, so this School Kit was perfect for our tamariki and reinforced what they had already learned. It was great to see the ākonga engaged and wanting to protect and care for the environment. We also saw the tamariki working well together with their peers.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them "I want to do more then a beach clean up, we need to get rid of plastic bottles" "We need to pick up our rubbish so it doesn't go into our local stream"
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The big recycling bags and gloves. The students did not think we would be able to fill the 4 bags full of rubbish as they were so large. It was a huge eye opener for them when we came back to school with every bag full!
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 4 bags were full!
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? We have since had a school kaitiakitanga day and did a big clean up of the school. Students are also aware of recycling and we have created a special bin for soft plastics collection
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? To make them more aware of the impact that rubbish has world wide. They were shocked by the amount of rubbish they collected and to imagine this was just from one beach!
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Te Arai beach
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Cups, Straws
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? The amount of plastic bags we found
This kit was fantastic! It was a great set-up for our school-wide inquiry about guardianship. We have completed a beach cleanup and this has also led into a school cleanup. The students were very enthusiastic and loved the hands-on nature of this inquiry learning. They are currently learning more about ocean pollution and ways we can help stop rubbish leading to our water ways!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them Students sharing their their ideas and understanding around Kaitiakitanga and looking after our environment beyond the sea. Our class advocating for rubbish tidy up, to our Junior Team by addressing at morning assembly our findings.
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The posters were a great way to display everything and also raised questions from guests who visited our room.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect? 2 bags full
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Huge engagement and questioning around kaitiakitanga and how we can be the people who make change in our school and community.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Being action makers, empowered and making positive change.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) Information lost (around 20mx area)
What was your cleanup location type? Native Bush, Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Plastic Bottles, Food Wrappers, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? Large planks of wood that people had used for mountain bike tricks.
The Sea Cleaner kit was such a fun hands-on kit for my akonga! They loved using the bright and colourful posters to display their findings and as a busy teacher I was given a school trip idea. Our tamariki were so motivated from this experience that they went on to ask about being kaitiaki at our school. We gathered, grouped and displayed rubbish we found around our kura and shared the findings with our junior school team. Thank you for the Sea Cleaner Kit! It has empowered our class to be self-motivated action takers.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them 1: I like making sure our water does not get polluted so that we can look after all the sea animals 2: I think looking after the environment is really important as we need to make sure the earth is safe for the future generations
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? The posters with the sea animals really put things into perspective. Lot's of animal lovers in our class and it made them even more inspired to keep the sea clean.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? Student's brainstormed ideas as to how we can reduce the amount of rubbish at school (plastic free lunches, more bins on the field) and even ask to do litter collection as they want to keep the school (and the sea) clean!
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? I think student's will take this learning and apply it to their daily life. Student's will be more conscious of the decisions they make around waste and how we can protect the earth.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) n/a - we did a clean up around the school rather than at the beach. We installed litter traps in our drains and that's how we made the connection to rubbish going into the ocean.
What was your cleanup location type? School
Which of the following types did your class collect? Food Wrappers, Toys
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? disposable face masks - not many people still wear these so they must have been lying on the ground for a long time!
This was an awesome kit that worked well with our school's sustainability unit. Student's were very engaged while we were sorting through rubbish. The video about what happens to plastic was very eye-opening.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How inspired are your students to engage in future sustainability action?
Not Inspired At All
Highly Inspired
How effective were the components of this kit?
Not Effective At All
High Effective
Please provide 2+ examples of student voice on the kit's impact on them "Can I take these home to use on the weekend?" "Can we do this again"
Which kit components were the most impactful and why? the teacher notes gave me a great starting point for how to best use the resource.
How many bags of rubbish did your class collect?
How has this kit impacted your class culture toward whenua ora (land wellness) and sustainability? They are more aware of the rubbish around the school and it has started to come into their general conversations.
What is the legacy this kit will leave behind on your learners? Hopefully, they will continue to pick up rubbish and be more aware of issues around waste.
How high was student engagement throughout this kit?
Very Low
Very High
What was the latitude and longitude of your clean up? (from Sea Cleaners poster) From one end of the beach to the other (Petone Beach, Wellington)
What was your cleanup location type? Beach
Which of the following types did your class collect? Plastic Bag, Food Wrappers, Household Waste
What was the most interesting piece of rubbish found and why? We found a wrapper that had writing in a different language so we hypothesised how it got there.
There was great information in here and the kids loved the gloves. It made them realise that people are serious about cleaning up our oceans and waterways.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago