How successful was this kit in allowing the exploration of energy transformation in your learners?
Did you find the lessons on solar energy useful in improving the students understanding and interest in renewable energy?
How did students approach the car modification challenge, and what innovative solutions did they come up with?
The students had to approach modifying their cars many times as some wouldn't move, some went backwards, some went in circles! While there very variying degrees of frustration and surprise, it was really neat to hear them problemsolve, move weights around ...even attaching chalk to the car so they could measure the distance travelled if the car didnt travel in a straight line.
How did the test-modify-repeat cycle impact students' understanding of the engineering design process?
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit?
Most students really enjoyed the hands on element while learning with this kit. they liked seeing what would happen when they modified the car or the course. We are looking forward to bringing them out again this term, now that its a but drier and sunnier, to try a few more modifications and explore the concepts further..