How successful was this kit in allowing the exploration of energy transformation in your learners?
Did you find the lessons on solar energy useful in improving the students understanding and interest in renewable energy?
How did students approach the car modification challenge, and what innovative solutions did they come up with?
I feel like we could've modified the cars a bit more if the cars were a bit more durable. Main modifications were in shifting the weight around on the cars and we tried changing the placement of the solar panel. The most interesting modificatin some students wanted to try was putting two solar panels on one car. I would like to do a little teaching around cicuits (series and parallel) and see if they can figure out how to use two panels to power the car.
How did the test-modify-repeat cycle impact students' understanding of the engineering design process?
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit?
Positive feedback from the students. They really loved the hands-on nature of the activity and the excitement of building a car and then taking it outside and see it then work as planned.