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Story Vets 24 Reviews

4.4 Rating 210 Reviews
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? It was important for students to not assume and use their critical thinking skills to work out what is wrong.
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? I think you’ll have many more vets now! However, some who were animal lovers and thought they wanted to be vets - soon saw some of the pain animals can be in and decided that wasn’t for them!
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? They really enjoyed learning about pets that interest them and digging a bit deeper!
We utilised Story Vets to also teach the skills of narrative development. We began with the case study of Bella as a class and used the diagnostic process to build her possibilities and ultimately diagnose her/tell her story. Then we moved on to exploring the narratives of the other animals. Due to being on Maternity leave, I didn’t get to see the final outcomes but it was perfect for the replacement teacher to pick up and run with!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 days ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? Was a great way to show how to eliminate others.
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Some students were a little hesitant to pick up hooves but once they were shown how, it was great fun. My donkeys are so placid they didn't mind sharing their feet.
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? The kids loved it, no feedback from parents other than those who came to the show and saw the animals.
Our class have loved doing this School Kit. I have 15 equines at home and the kids love hearing about their antics (11 donkeys from mini to mammoth, 1 mule, 2 large horses and a shetland pony), and often talk to them about hooves and health. I had several of these at the local A&P show and the kids came along and listened to heartbeats (I had a stethoscope) and checked out hooves and gave them lots of pats and cuddles! I also have x-rays with severely rotated pedal bones so it was great to compare healthy and unhealthy hooves! It was a great kit, harder than some to get my head around but well worth the effort. Thanks so much!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 days ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? My students understood this concept very well. The introductory activity to start with on
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Yes, it gave them more of an idea of what a vet does.
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? Students loved the activity.
I used this for both Y7 and Y8 science specialist classes. I am always looking for ways to link class work with future science careers and this resource fitted perfectly into my planning. Students were highly engaged, they loved the concept. Other teachers in the school were impressed by the concept and feedback from students and have also ordered the kits. Some interesting questions especially around vocabulary. Most students did not know what a Farrier was. I thought the coding activity was well planned but not really useful to me and my classes. Our students at BBI often do coding activities with class room teachers in other contexts so I did not use this part of the activity. Also, I thought the coding activity was not really related to the vet problem solving activity. I would rather have focused more on understanding some of the tests and the results and exactly what they meant. My students had a lot of question about them and what they meant and the kit did not really provide many answers for me from what I could see. I had to research this part myself. Eg the somatic cell and rumination tests. Students wanted exact details of what this was. But this led to further investigation for us.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? They understand now to look at the whole picture. I think it also helps with problem-solving in other areas.
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Absolutely. We are planning to re-run the unit, and have a visit to our local vet club.
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? That it was fun and engaging.
This unit engaged my class, and provided a chance to revisit our narrative writing, as we came up with the background stories about our animals.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? This was great for my year 4 and 5 students but they needed scaffolding and support through this
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Yes. We went to vet school, then graduated with certificates, then specialised in different groups of animals.
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? They enjoyed it and were keen to engage
I was able to work with my ESOL students from Years 2 to 5, making some adaptations for the younger students. They loved the equipment and kit resources to help them imagine for themselves what it is like to be a vet. The characters were fun and diagnosing them posed challenges for their learning. They enjoyed drawing on prior knowledge of their own bodies and visits to the doctors, and were able to learn important vocabulary. Thank you so much
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? They had to match data and test results to their assumptions
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Yes
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? How much they loved this unit!
I did this with year3&4 class, the independent inquiry into diagnosing the 4 animals was pretty hard for them to understand and go through in their teams, they needed teacher help analysing the data and understanding the vocab. But the children were so engaged and loved "playing vets" with all the equipment etc. Bringing in soft toys from home to diagnose and treat! Definitely doing this again!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? For those with the staying power (at this end of the year) and literacy skills, it helped them to learn to go step by step and apply their 'detective skills'.
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Yes, and what being a vet invloves.
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? Parents thought it was an interesting focus for School Pet Day week, they were also intrigued as to how it would work. Most of the class enjoyed the change in activities and working with the resources. I got a stethoscope, thermometer and blood pressure monitor so they could practice on themselves and each other before Pet day. They got into that too. Will ask on Monday and get some photos.
This kit has so many ways you can come at it: Writing, Reading, Technology, Science and Maths and more. It has been a bit of an ask for many in the class as they are year 3-4 and a group find literacy a challenge. It linked well from last term's living world work to this term's technology theme. The students found the resources intriguing. They found the activities engaging if I gave them enough support.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
How effective was the "Vet School" component in engaging students in the diagnostic process?
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
How did this resource help students understand process of elimination using data analysis? It helped a lot
How well did the resource help students better understand the world of veterinarians?
Didn't help at all
Vet experts now!
Did this kit increase your students awareness of the skills needed to work in the vet industry? Yes
Have you noticed a change in / has this kit challenged your students problem solving and critical thinking skills?
No change
Some change
Great challenge!
What feedback have you received from students or parents about the learning in this kit? They enjoyed the unit.
We decided to take on this kit as a way to introduce our Careers unit. It was a perfect way to begin. We were fortunate to get Jo, from School Kit, come in before we started. It was great fun acting out the role of the vet with the class and going through the process of eliminating symptons with a collaborative class of 120 students. We did not teach the first and last lesson as it did not relate to our Careers unit, but we did teach the rest. We loved it, but it took a lot of time to plan as resources seemed to be scattered about - if there was one place, in order, to look with links, that would have been less work. After they found out what each had and the treatment, it would have been good to have something extra for them to do such as a scavenger hunt where they have to find out things like salary, years of study, subjects to take at seconday school, hours of work, the different types etc.Then finally, it would have been good to have a vet talking at the end about their job. Perhaps a 20 minutes clip on youTube.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago