What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
We used maths, science and literacy. We wrote about why healthy rivers and streams were important, what was affecting them and what the future held if we didn’t improve the quality. We graphedpur results - it made for authentic learning,
How successful was this kit in promoting scientific thinking?
How effective was this kit in raising your students awareness of the importance of water health?
What opportunities have arisen for future learning from this kit?
We will continue sending out groups to work with the hapu, testing water quality and letting them know results. We will make a commitment to what we can do, not just through school but in our everyday life.
How motivated are your students to take care of their local environment after this kit?
In what ways did this kit develop understanding of the cultural significance of water in Te Ao Māori?
This was very relevant to our local curriculum as we have entered into partnerships with our hapu on keeping our rivers and streams healthy.