What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
Science- Looking at invertebrates and animal classification
Maths- reading and understanding time, decimals, measuring skills
Reading- learning new vocabulary from the task cards
How successful was this kit in promoting scientific thinking?
How effective was this kit in raising your students awareness of the importance of water health?
What opportunities have arisen for future learning from this kit?
Looking more closely at how we could care for our waterways
Sharing with our whanau about our job at the stream and what we did
Further teaching of decimals and maths and linking it to real life contexts
How motivated are your students to take care of their local environment after this kit?
In what ways did this kit develop understanding of the cultural significance of water in Te Ao Māori?
It was great to link the understanding of water to our own pepeha at school. We saw the link that without water we would not exist and it ties in very closely with our identity and where we are from.