What cross curricular learning came about as a result of this kit?
This kit easily linked into maths statistics. There were opportunities to graph data and make some statements about findings. For example, students counted a large number of aquatic birds and discussed the mess and noise they made. Is it time to cull some
How successful was this kit in promoting scientific thinking?
How effective was this kit in raising your students awareness of the importance of water health?
What opportunities have arisen for future learning from this kit?
Because of the comprehensive nature of this kit, a couple of days or weeks is not long enough to cover the material in this kit. This could easily be a term’s worth of work. I am grateful for the materials and tools in this kit. We will definitely use the
How motivated are your students to take care of their local environment after this kit?
In what ways did this kit develop understanding of the cultural significance of water in Te Ao Māori?
We are a Dual Medium school (Auraki/Rumaki). Our students have learnt about the importance of fresh water, and they know that there is only a small percentage available for personal use. They understand that water is a living, life sustaining resource. In