“I recently rescued a Pomeranian and she couldn't grasp the concept of a "puppy pad" for whatever reason. Skouts Honor has gotten my home back to smelling great, and even aided my girl in potty training. THANK YOU SKOUTS HONOR for being such an awesome product that really works!”
“I just tried the laundry booster and washed a load of potty pads. I was a little skeptical but was pleasantly surprised. It really worked! Normally the potty pads would still have a smell to them and I could smell them as they line dried but they came out of the machine not smelling bad. This stuff really works. No laundry room odors!”
“I recently bought the Odor Eliminator. It smells pleasant, works great and doesn't leave behind a scent that makes you cough and gag after spraying. I sprayed it on my carpeting in the room where my dogs' potty pads, toys and beds are. It truly helps neutralize the odors in there.”