“Ive been a fan of this product for years. In my recent re-order of two more spray bottles, I was sent two entirely different products from what I previously purchased. Both of the new bottles smelled completely different from each other and the previous bottle. One even smelled like bleach! I returned both bottles.”
“A friend told us about this product for dogs when our senior cancer survivor had. A couple of accidents. We had tried other store bought cleaners and shampooed our carpet to no avail. Shouts honor came to the rescue and this is so amazing and works. We had another pet a senior cat that was having pee accidents in certain areas so bought one for cats and our house is fresh smelling again. Love the fact its plant based no harm to us or our pets Hallelujiah to Skouts Honor Co.”
“I have tried many products, and they dont work. I can still smell cat urine after steam cleaning, and the cat keeps going back. This stuff worked right away, and there isnt any itinerary smell after the carpet dried. Thank you so much!”
“I mistakingly bought this one when I usually purchase the dog urine and odor formula. Safe to say it works just as great in stains, odors, and in the soiled laundry, though it smells better!”