“Seriously this stuff works! Ive tried quite a few things to get the pee smell and stain out of our carpets from the stray we adopted and nothing worked till this. It has a very mild smell, almost fruity but is not strong at all. It only took one application and the smell and stains are gone! Really wish I wouldve taken a before and after photo. Would absolutely recommend this product.”
“This product works well for various pet "stains". I have 3 dogs and 3 cats in a small house, so I am frequently cleaning up messes from them. One of my dogs has seizures and sometimes he urinates when he has one. All I have to do is spray the area down with this stuff and it takes it right out. The other major positive thing about this product is that it doesn't have an overpowering odor itself. Other enzyme cleaners I have used leave behind an odor that is almost as bad as the original mess I am cleaning up. This one smells like detergent and kind of like isopropyl alcohol, but the odor is not overpowering and dissipates rapidly. This is a big plus for me, as I don't like perfumes and artificial odors at all. Make sure you test an area before using it. Once a bit of this leaked out onto a table (full strength) and it took part of the varnish off the table. I have not had this issue on anything else and have used it many times to clean the same table by spraying and wiping, but never soaked it like it did when it damaged it.”
“This works very well. It takes multiple applications. In a dry, Western State, you need to keep the pet urine area as moist as possible. Sometimes, invert a bowl over the pet mess, and that will slow the evaporation time, giving the enzymes more time to work.”