“Worth every penny! Single application and the smell is gone. I will always have a jug of this on hand. Now, if there was just something to get rid of the darn skunks.”
“The Gods who distribute dogs to humans have, over the course of 0 years, given our family a plentiful supply of pups who LOVE skunks. I cannot tell you how many am horror shows I have lived through and how many towels and pajamas I have lost to the cause. So Ive tried IT ALL when it comes to removing skunk scent on dogs. This stuff works. You just identify a towel or cloth to be sacrificed, and gently rub this stuff where your pup was sprayed (avoiding eyes of course). On the first application it gets almost all of it. You may require a second in a day or so - but this is the most effective stuff Ive ever tried. Im never without at least bottles under my kitchen sink.”
“I've been grooming for over 0 years . This is by far the BEST product I've used for skunk spray. There honeysuckle and lavender probiotic shampoos work great also. No need for peroxide, dish soap and baking soda anymore.”
“I liked this product for a few days.. so when my dog got sprayed of course I threw him in the bath and washed him down with tomato juice, vinegar, shampoo... nothing worked. I bought this and tried it a few days later when it arrived. It says to use it when dry, and right after being sprayed, well I couldnt at that point (user error lol). But it took the smell away... while he is dry. If he gets wet from rain or licking himself you can smell it still. So, sort of worked.”