“Our overall experience with this product is total disappointment.
The Sour Apple flavor of Super Sour Anti Chew Spray did not work at all on our Scottish Terrier puppy.
He loves the stuff and licks it up like candy.”
Hi John,
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. How long did you use this product for and how frequently? I'd love to help with some tips.
Thank you,
“My dog is in heat and I sprayed it on her butt and the male dogs don't even want to get near her you know on the fur part of course on her backside her rib cage I sprayed it on all of that and they smell her and walk away so people who have not had their female dogs spayed it yet try it this is one spray, I did it against eight male dogs so yes it's amazing oh and I also sprayed it on her dry skin spot It really works but yes it does stop male dogs from wanting to do what comes natural non of the eight male dogs are not mine we share a yard I have all girls but it's really cool to try y'all give it a try!”