“My dog has developed an allergy which has his fur falling off faster than butter melting on hot pancakes. I have tried various shampoos over the last few months. I tried this shampoo plus conditioner and it lathers up great. My dog found it soothing (he actually stood still and quit trying to escape the shower). The shampoo got rid of the icky stuff off his skin and cleaned him up well. His skin looked so much better. I lathered him real well and let the shampoo sit for about five minutes before rinsing. My dog slept all afternoon without itching after his bath (and he finished running around the house). It lasted about a week before the itching started again. I am glad my dog found relief. The shampoo has a minor scent. It is more prevalent on the dog after the bath. I had trouble with it (I am extremely sensitive to scents), but I do not believe most people will notice it. I will keep using the shampoo and see if I can get long term relief for him.”
“My pup has issues with itching. Even if it's a food allergy, she's on a prescription food due to kidney disease. This seems to help with her itching.”
“I love this shampoo for my dog. I bathe him every -3 weeks and this shampoo smells so good and gentle on his skin. He smells so clean for about a week that I keep kissing him and sniffing his head.”
“Definitely like the fragrance... Like the natural ingredients... Like the probiotics even though I have no idea what the benefit is supposed to be in adding this to shampoo.... But anyway, my dog doesn't care either way because she just hates getting bathed in general”
“I have a bull terrier so a short hard haired dog. She plays outside a lot and we try and bathe her after the dog park every week. This shampoo has a really nice smell to it, kind of like an oatmeal based shampoo. The larger could be more sudsy, but my fancy human shampoo only lathers up a lot on the second wash and this is kinda like that, so we do passes to get that shampoo effect. As far as helping wit itch and dryness, hard to say, my dog itches her ears and what not just like before so I dont knowing thats just a dogs habit or what. Overall though this is nice dog shampoo bc it smells good as doesnt irritate my dog!”
“Purchased this brand bc this is what my neighbor uses on their dog and he has the softest hair!So far this works great on our puppy. No strong scent. Hair is soft clean!”