“I do write reviews.. some are positive and some are negative... either way, they are always thought out clearly and succinctly and I always put my thoughts behind products and services. Skouts honor was a product that I purchased several years ago. It was a "splurge" at that time (4 years ago) because my budget is not that much and I had heard that it was good so I spent the money. Back then, I loved it but realized it wouldnt be affordable as I have large sheepadoodles and they take a lot of shampoo to clean. So.. I used up what I bought and then tried others. Every time I used another product, I always thought about how Gino and Piper smelled, how their hair responded to the products by Skouts Honor.
Recently, I splurged again on Skouts Honor and was reminded of the quality of products for my sheepadoodles. Although I know it is not sustainably affordable, I will continue to support and use the Skouts Honor products as my budget allows.”
“I have an eight-month-old French Briard, and this shampoo/conditioner smells incredible, and makes his coat incredibly soft, shiny and easy to manage. I love this product and highly recommend this for long hair dogs.”
“DOG OF THE WOODS is the best newest smell! Its so festive and perfect for the autumn and winter months! We love this shampoo so much, helps with chronic itchiness, keeps fur silky and soft.. and have I mentioned it smells amazing?!? Ahh! We love this stuff especially during the colder seasons my pup tends to have allergies and dryness, and this really helps keep his fur and skin healthy!”
“Another great Probiotic shampoo and conditioner combo! In the summer Chase loves to swim but his skin is easily dried out. Skout's Honor sent this for us to try and this shampoo and conditioner SAVES his skin and leaves his coat shiny and perfect!”
“we got the lavender this month and I think it is my favorite scent. Very natural and light, not too overpowering. We used it today and its incredible how soft it makes Archie!”
“My dog had a bad rash on his stomach, took him to vet, with medication got rid of rash. Took my dog to groomers, rash came back. I then saw Scouts Honor , I bought it and tried it, NO MORE RASH!!!!! I love this product.”