“The product smelled great. My doggie smelled really good, but not over perfumed. The deodorizing spray really helps him continue to smell good and look fluffy.”
“My dog has allergies and was very itchy We had to take her to the vet to get shots every month Since using your product she doesnt itch consistently I would recommend your product to any dog owner who has itchy dogs”
“Bathed all 3 Golden Retrievers with it. Their fur is super soft and the one with skin issues is quite comfortable so far. Only used a third of the bottle on 3 large dogs. Quite pleased with the product so far.”
For healthier dogs we recommend washing in -4 week intervals. For dogs with chronic skin issues it's best to bath them once every 3 days for the first two weeks, then once a week until the skin normalizes. We also carry an Itch Relief spray if you'd like to try it!
“It took only one shampoo to make a huge difference for my Scout. Her coat was so rough and itchy, and its now soft and smooth again. Itching is greatly reduced. Its a great product and we are going to keep using it.”