“I think its a good product, however I should have purchased the unscented as the honeysuckle is way too strong for me. I had to wipe the probiotic spray off my dogs because I was getting a headache from it. I havent tried the shampoo yet and hope its not as strong. Ill probably gift the probiotic spray unless I can dilute it.”
“This stuff is heaven scent! Yes, I meant to spell it that way, too! Ive battled for YEARS with my 10.5yo frenchies allergies and yeast prone flaky skin and no other medicated shampoos have ever helped. He would always be stinky and itchy within a day or two, max! After the first wash, I didnt feel like he needed another bath for a whole week! I bought the honey suckle and it is just amazing how my house smells so much better! Im so happy I found this company!!”
“I think it helped a small amount as far as the itching, but, the hair in those few areas just fell out after his first few baths.
I'm really bummed but I won't be buying again.”
Hi Malisa,
I'm so sorry to hear you are not seeing good results. I'm going to refund your most recent order and I'd suggest maybe not using anymore if there is hair loss happening. Maybe something in the product is not agreeing with him/her.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you
“So far I love this! I have a 10 yr old Shihtzu she started getting yeast infections between one of her paws. Vet did many rounds of meds but I was not happy with that. Then she would come back from the groomers with stinky ears from the water not properly dried out. The shampoo/conditioner the ear cleaner has helped TONS! I have followed directions as said on the bottle in wks she could be a poster child! Love it!”