“I’m new to cloth and bought the Motherease airflow wrap on basis of reading excellent reviews. I absolutely love this wrap - the print is gorgeous. I only use the 2 part system at night (BTP pockets during the day) and no leaks so far. We were using these during the recent heat wave and baby didn’t feel sweaty / uncomfortable at all during changing despite the waterproof layer so I was very pleased about that.”
“Wasn’t sure which of the Motherease airflow wrap prints to buy initially as all the designs look great. Eventually chose the Tweet print and was not disappointed. Absolutely gorgeous and much better in real life.”
“Having used another brand wrap at night for our daughter that was regularly leaking and often giving our daughter uncomfortable marks in the morning - we decided to give the nappy lady’s recommended night wraps a go! These are fab! I’m still not totally sure how they can work?! The fabric seems to be very clever. We have had almost no leaks since buying.The few we’ve had I think are getting used to the new wrap. A few thing s I’ve learnt:The binding is quite tough on littles skin - so go loose loose! We actually bought a medium for our tiddly 11th centile 5month and she’s already on some of the looser settings.As you’re going looser - you just need to make sure none of the nappy is peeking out at the wait or legs so if you are putting a vest on the top - just do a quick check that the waist band is all covered and there’s plenty of wrap covering up the legs. We also started playing with sticking a motherease booster in after an unexplained leak. She’s woken up super dry this morning! Still learning but very impressed with these wraps”
“Purchased after I read the nappy lady article suggesting this nappy to help prevent leaks. I used this over a disposable nappy and it did nothing I’m afraid- nappies still leaked as normal, sorry! It was a fun design though and I’ll be using the nappy in place of shorts or just a disposable nappy in very hot weather”