“Not convinced it busts grease, as you need to use a lot more of this product to actually get it to sudd up when you are doing pans that have been used for cooking food.
Seem to be constantly filling up the bottle.”
Thanks for your feedback Rita, we’re sorry to hear that it’s more of a pain for you. We’ll definitely make note of your feedback when considering any future bottle redesigns!
And in regards to grease, our team find that the Dishwashing Liquid works best with nice and hot water, and plenty of product 👍
“Unfortunately the liquid is so viscous it doesn’t allow air back into the refill. You need to blow into it (very soapy mouth) to get the liquid moving again.”
We're sorry to hear you've had some trouble emptying your pouch Margaret!
Some products (especially the more viscous ones) definitely require a little more muscle than the others. So don't be afraid to give them a good squeeze 💪 We find that rolling the pouch down as you squeeze helps to push all the liquid-y goodness out!
Here's a little video Mike recorded for you to have a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq5N3qQ0ohg
We hope that helps!
“I discovered this at a friend's house. I like it. HOWEVER, I find it hard to refill the main container, so I took the second layer of bottle top off. Then all was well.”
Thanks so much for your feedback Sally. To prevent some leaking happening, we have changed a thing or two in our caps/lids. The good news is that we have since updated our cleaning and refill machine so doing so no longer affects the pouches re-usability! We are unfortunately unable to update the text on the pouches to reflect this 🙈
We hear yah, when opening the pouches you’ll need a bit of a stronger grip to remove the coloured lid, but if it makes it easier for you to open just the clear lid (and it is easy enough to refill the bottles) feel free to do so! 😊