“Love this dish washing liquid. Smells great, cleans well and helps the environment!
Reusable containers are simple and neutral. We've nearly converted all out products over to Zero!”
Thanks so much for your feedback Prudence 🤩
So sorry to hear you are having issues with your Pump not popping back up! It's a thing 🙈 And we are very happy to say, we are ALL over it.
I have popped you on the waiting list for a new Pump. We should be in touch by the end of May with an update!
“Love the product, but I find with a large family, the 500mL runs out too quickly. Otherwise, it's great - the suds, the smell and the effectiveness. Thanks”
Hey there Bronwyn,
Thanks a bunch for your feedback! I am very happy to report that we have just recently upsized our Dishwashing Liquid, so now it comes in a 1L pouch 🥳
Check it out here if you're in need of a top-up 👍