If I could put -* I would. My dad tried to renew his policy after being insured with 1st central for last couple of years. With him not having Internet and no knowledge of it, I have been doing his online car insurance quotes for a couple of years. Got his renewal email on my email address which again has been used for last couple of years with all his policy being sent to me for print off. He phoned to speak with them and pay his renewal price over the phone. Having partial hearing and not properly understanding the advisor, he got to point where he was asked to put his long 16 digit card number in to his keypad, not having a touchscreen mobile phone he was 1 digit short everytime he tried to make payment from his bank card. He explained he was not good with this sort of thing, being in his 70s, not very savvy with technology.....he asked could his daughter, me, get in contact with them and deal with t on his behalf. So I did this, was asked to send email to confirm who I was and that I had authorisation from my dad to deal with, after 2 emails, I then called back again, went through all the security details that I provided on the 2 emails. Got to the point where card number, expiry and 3 digit security code was given, to be told payment didn't go through, which was rubbish as the funds were there. To then be told they ave declined the insurance. I ASKED WHY? TOLD COULDNT TRLL ME. So My dad attempted to call 1st Central to find out why he has been declined. In his 58 years of driving he has never had a declined insurance. Fuming to say the least, they will not tell him why it has been declined. A complaint letter will be sent to them, and furthermore to the Ombudsman. To get to the point of insurance due for renewal and not an English speaking person to speak to, is ridiculous, poor customer service and will never recommend this insurance company. The fact my dad now has to get me to try do further comparison site quotes for his car insurance due within 2 weeks, that question HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DECLINED INSURANCE has now got to be answered YES for a reason unknown.......avoid dealing with this Company !!!!!......no matter how, I will get to the bottom of this......this now will potentially stop him getting a decent renewal price, all because this company are useless at dealing with people, especially pensioners !!!!! He is not a risk, nor is it fraud, so why can they decline this insurance after already being a customer with no insurance claims.